We have full-time and part-time job openings to fit your schedule. If you are looking for a rewarding job during the school year that allows you to make a difference for students, then consider applying at GCS! Also, many of the GCS positions require working hours only during the school day, allowing parents to be off work when their children are off of school. To see current openings, simply click on the flyer below:
If you are interested in applying for a job at GCS you may fill out the online application at http://www.goshenschools.org/hr/employment-opportunities
If you are interested in substitute teaching, you may apply with our online substitute service PCMI at http://www.pcmiservices.com/pcmi/homepage.aspx
If you have questions about possible jobs at GCS, you may call the Administration Center at GCS (574-533-8631) and ask for Human Resources.